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Curious Substance Can Form A Totally New Kind Of Light

To power all our current devices we commonly have to move a
large number of electrons, but in some uncommon occasion just one electron can
have affect on hundred thousand other atoms.

This wonder has been modeled by researchers from Imperial
College London. They discovered an extraordinary interaction between light and a
single electron on a recently discovered substance called a Topological Insulator.
The scientists saw photons and electrons bound together in a particular entity
with some collective properties.

The research, printed in Nature Communications, detected
that when interacting with a nano-particle (a sphere of almost 10 nano-meters
across), light would stop moving in a straight line and instead would follow
the same track as the electron. In the similar way, the electron, which would generally
be stopped by physical limitations in the surface, moved onward with the help
of light. Scaling up these properties will permit for light-electron
circuits that would be more substantial and thus less at risk to disorders and
material flaws. 

Dr Vincenzo Giannini said in a statement, "The results of
this research will have a huge influence on the way we consider light.
Topological insulators were only discovered in the last decade, but are already
giving us with new phenomena to study and different ways to explore important concepts
in physics."

Topological insulators are a class of different materials
with a joint property: though their cores are insulators, their surfaces can
conduct electricity and are symmetric. These materials reveal some curious
quantum properties and scientists are exploring if these can be seen at room
temperature and on a human scale. For this motive, the scientists want to put this model into drill.
This new light state should be obvious with current technology, and the
scientists are currently working on experiments that should determine that this
state is very genuine and potentially very valuable.

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