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Weak Gravity Is Explainable With 10 Million Billion New Discovered Particles

Out of the four, gravity is one most fundamental force we
are familiar with. It keeps Earth rotating around the Sun, and it makes up our
every morning when we try to leave the bed. Gravity looks so familiar and until
now it is the most mysterious force of all.

Gravity is extremely weak. Yes, it looks strong for us
because Earth is massive, but even a little magnet can overcome gravity. The
weakness of gravity is good update for us, planets and stars can form, but it
does not actually fit well in particle physics. We have no way to describe why
gravity should be so weak. A new concept, N naturalness, has a fascinating solution to describe
weak gravity. Instead of having three relations of particles (each with two
quarks, an electron-like particle, and one neutrino), there are in fact 10
quadrillion (1016) relations.

Co-author Tim Cohen, from the University of Oregon in Eugene
told New Scientist, "The idea is a little wild. The lack of new physics at
the LHC has inspired us to, instead of presenting a few new particles,
introduce 1016 new particles."

This concept needs a single kind of particle working during
the first moments of the Big Bang, called a reheaton. This particle would decay
in the course of the cosmic inflation, and meanwhile particles desire to be in
the lowest possible energy state, the resulting ‘allowed’ particles are the identified
members of the Standard Model along weak gravitational relations. The billions upon billions of never- seen-before particles
might seem slightly ridiculous, but it is not the first theoretical physics indication
that uses a large number of parameters to find a suitable solution. It is ordinary
that constants and laws of the universe fall into a certain array, and when
this principle seems to be violated (like a weak gravity, crystal-perfect for
us), it could specify that there is more science for us to explore in that

The Standard Model does deliver us with the best explanation
of particle physics, but we know it is limited, so physicists are searching
beyond it both in theory and experimentations. Some of the claims of N
naturalness can be verified by current experiments, so we might quickly see if
this strange idea has some truth behind it.

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