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NASA Has Declared They Are Making All Their Exploration and Research Publicly Accessible

Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida

Nerds and wannabe astronauts are pleased about; NASA hasdeclared they are making all their exploration and research publicly accessible
on a new online portal. The new site is PubSpace and it will public any research or
data that NASA has used within one year of publication. That also includes any
peer-reviewed academic journals and papers, which are commonly barred by

NASA Deputy Administrator Dava Newman said in a press release, "At NASA, we are celebrating this opportunity to extend access to our
extensive portfolio of scientific and technical publications. Through open
access and innovation we invite the global community to join us in exploring
Earth, air and space."

The initiative is in light of the government's request to
make science activities more crystal clear and accessible. NASA believes this
increased public contact accelerates the spread of education, promotes
interest, and in the long run it will advance the scientific knowledge. The European Union just said they also hope to make all of
their scientific research and exploration free and accessible by 2020.

Ellen Stofan NASA Chief Scientist said, "Making our research
data easier to access will greatly magnify the impact of our research. As
scientists and engineers, we work by building upon a foundation laid by

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